Speedhack 2014
Hm, haven't posted here in ages... my life suddenly got busy at the beginning of 2013. Oh well, I did partake in a speedhack about a year ago so putting the game from it up. I only had a couple of hours on Sunday to make the game since I was gone all weekend, so there is no real graphics or sound effects or much of anything.
The Speedhack rules were:
1. Travelling Salesman Solving a problem of that kind is the base game mechanic.
2. Character Development Hm, well, movement speed is an increasing stat.
3. Easter Egg There's a hidden skateboard upgrade.
4. Player Customization - not implemented -
5. Soviet Russia - not implemented -
6. The smaller your ZIP entry is, the fewer rules: Less than 10KB: 1 rule So I would have only needed 1 rule instead of 3.